Håkan Peter Magnusson 1871–
Kön: Man Id: I100001
Född | 1871-12-28 Kristianopel (K) sn |
Emigrerad (3) | 1875-05-07 Göteborg (O) stad1 |
Maud Mårtensson: Magnus Söderberg's wife and two children left Gothenburg for Hull May 7 1875. No destination is mentioned in the list of passengers, but perhaps it should be New York as for the last persons on the previous page. Link: A0056898_00069" >https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/A0056898_00069. | |
Död | .USA, US - USA |
- (S10076) .www (internet). https://forum.rotter.se/index.php?topic=152743.0;wap2