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Per August "Peter" Sederberg (Olausson) 1867–1953

Kön: Man Id: I100004 Levnadsålder: 86


Född1867-04-27 Kristianopel (K) sn1
Emigrerad (ca 3)1871 Kläpparemåla, Kristianopel (K) sn2

rymde till Amerika

Gift (ca 24) med
Hilda Augusta Sederberg (1870–1959)
Död (86)1953-05-23 Chisago (MN) co, US - USA3


Peter's name was Per August Söderberg before coming to America in 1871. On May 1, 1907, Peter and Hilda transferred to the North Branch Lutheran church, closer to their farm. They are buried at Trinity Lutheran Cemetery in North Branch, Minnesota.

The 1914 Atlas and Farmers' Directory of Chisago County Minnesota shows him owning 80 acres in section 18 of North Branch Township. His property was called the "Red Oak Farm." He had been in the county for 20 years.


  1. (S2159) Kristianopel (K) fs C:1861-1880 CI:5, Födda Kristianopel 1861-1880. v96303a.b870.s84. Förstahandsuppgift.


    1867 nr 39

    Apr 27, Maji 5, Pehr August, bond Ol Samuelsson oh Johanna Holjersdotter, no 97 Kläpparem p 418, moder 30 år, vittn: bond Jonas Olsson oh Elina Andersdtr i Kläpparemåla, kt 16/6

  2. (S7744) Kristianopel (K) fs A:1868-1875 AI:20, Kristianopel (K) fs A:1868-1875 AI:20. v96290a.b1370.s397
  3. (S9452) .findaGrave.com. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/36656478/peter-august-sederberg


    Peter's name was Per August Söderberg before coming to America in 1871. On May 1, 1907, Peter and Hilda transferred to the North Branch Lutheran church, closer to their farm. They are buried at Trinity Lutheran Cemetery in North Branch, Minnesota.

    The 1914 Atlas and Farmers' Directory of Chisago County Minnesota shows him owning 80 acres in section 18 of North Branch Township. His property was called the "Red Oak Farm." He had been in the county for 20 years.


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